In investigating this allegation, I printed this cartoon on an 8 1/2 x 11 sheet of paper and hung it on my wall. Even at that size and using a magnifying glass, I have been unable to find any indication of this alleged reference. No subtext, no overt reference, no nothing.
Without any direct reference, I guess I missed the controversy. To the best of my knowledge, the authors of the 'stimulus' bill (ya gotta love the pompous new name - American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009) are Rep. Nancy Pelosi and Senator Harry Reid and their minions. In fact, President Obama did not take credit for the bill, even when he had an opportunity to do so, in his op-ed piece on February 5th.
If anyone has a right to be upset with Mr. Delonas' cartoon, it is obviously the 28 Democrats who authored / sponsored the stimulus bill (11 in the House and 17 in the Senate; the 29th sponsor was an Independent). I believe that Mr. Delonas' statement was quite simple and straightforward: it only takes 29 monkeys playing with a computer to write a bill that can pass the 111th Congress.
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