Saturday, July 21, 2018

An Enemy of We The People

There was a time - back in the early 80s - when I abandoned the MSM. The new kid, CNN, proved themselves over and over to be more reliable when it came to reporting facts. For close to a decade my news came from CNN. Then they too changed directions. When FOX News was launched in 1996, I tuned in hoping for that missing ingredient - factually based reporting - and found it. They have floundered occasionally, but FOX is still the best choice today.

So I contest your assertion that Trump has, in any way, worked to "destroy one of the very pillars on which our democracy was founded." That is all on the press itself. Yes, "Freedom of the press is enshrined in the First Amendment to our Constitution because the Founding Fathers knew a democracy cannot exist without it." But keeping the respect of the people, which the press has to earn with EVERY story it produces, is wholly the responsibility of the press itself.

If the press finds itself being attacked - by whomever - it should only have to hold up the story over which it is being attacked in it's defense. If a single word of spin is required, the story itself is inadequate and questionable. As soon as that is the rule rather than the exception, the press has made itself "an enemy of the people" because lies and half truths do not serve We The People.

The quotes above are from "Reagan aide: Condemn Trump's 'enemy of the people' rhetoric"

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