Quite frankly, I want you to know that I believe this to be a good move.
I am one of the Republicans who felt ignored and mistreated by the local Republican organization and later went on to work and vote for Ross Perot in 1992. I have considered myself both an independent and a conservative ever since. The birth of the Tea Party movement just proves to me that there are many thousands of voters out there who, like me, have come to believe our elected representatives no longer bother to listen to or represent the folks who elected them.
I commend you for your initiative. I must say, however, I have heard many elected representatives say one thing and do another. I will be watching. I expect the same is true of many other Texas voters. Good luck and Godspeed.
The above is the comment I left on the Independent Conservative Republicans of Texas website. Apparently, a majority of the Texas State legislators – the Republican / conservative ones – decided to declare which side of their bread the butter is on.
Our Contract with Texas
We give our word to stand for conservative principles
and to put people before party.
We give our word to be fiscally accountable,
limit the size of government,
and fight for free market principles.
We give our word to protect our borders
and to support a strong military.
We give our word to protect life, support strong family values,
and uphold the Judeo-Christian beliefs our nation was founded upon.
We give our word to defend the Constitution
and protect the sovereign rights of Texas.
I see this as a good thing. I want my legislators to know that I am watching and doing more than just voting for the “party lineup.”